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The Tesnian Solar System

Fantasy Solar System for sci-fi blades in the dark TTRPG inspired by Outer Wilds

The Sun, Abbott's Corner and Scoundrel's Loot

The Sun, Abbott's Corner and Scoundrel's Loot

closeup of Abbott's Corner and the fragmented mining colony of Scoundrel's Loot

closeup of Abbott's Corner and the fragmented mining colony of Scoundrel's Loot

The Hearthsea Twins, in a twin orbit around the sun.

The Hearthsea Twins, in a twin orbit around the sun.

New Terra, terraforming project underway for the migrating colonies of the rich and wealthy from Hearthsea

New Terra, terraforming project underway for the migrating colonies of the rich and wealthy from Hearthsea

Frozen planet with a sky of ice

Frozen planet with a sky of ice

Gas Giant, largest planet in the Solar System, with one life-sustaining planet: Goldenbrow

Gas Giant, largest planet in the Solar System, with one life-sustaining planet: Goldenbrow

Remnants of a planet that long used to be, now dead.

Remnants of a planet that long used to be, now dead.

[lore locked for gameplay reasons]

[lore locked for gameplay reasons]